Do you keep wadding up your paper,
not sure how to break out of that
dreaded mediocre category?
Step #1: Discover Masters' Methods
4 Simple Steps That Make Drawing Easy
Step #2: Three Secret Tools that
Instantly improve your ACCURACY
Step #3: Exercises that help you
Cr Create STUNNING art that POPS
Step #4: Discover Insider Secrets for
Drawing TEXTURES with Jaw-Dropping Realism
How to draw fur so soft
you could pet the paper
Watch Masters' strokes to see how to render
realistic textures that make people GASP
1. No need to waste time trying to figure it out ! Your step-by-step MasterClasses workbooks & companion videos reveal short, simple step-by-step systems for success.
2. Unparalleled Realism in Every Subject - discover insider secrets for rendering realistic wild & domestc animals plus radiant flowers from nature - broadening your artistic range exponentially.
3. Your MasterClasses focus on Realism, so Your Art Finally Matches the Ideas in Your Head
4. In-Depth Video Demos Let You Peek Over the Master's Shoulder to see exact strokes you'll need to use to achieve Realism
5. Structured Step-by-Step Learning - No Guesswork
Study with Master Sandra Angelo
Nation's #1 Art Coach
for Beginners & Beyond
Rhode Island School of Design granted
World-Renowned Master Sandra Angelo,
a Fellowship Award because of her unique ability to take you
from frustrated to fantastic artist... FAST
Above: JoAnn Ray went from good to GREAT
During Covid, when I was cut back 50% on my job and income, I was able to earn more money with my art than the salary I had lost. And, I now people commission me to do what I love.
Thanks Sandra for helping me become the artist I always dreamed of being.
Carol ~ Cambridgeshire, UK
Anthony Robbins paid Sandra $100,000
for a 4 hour workshop teaching his Platinum Club how to paint
on the Grand Canal in Venice Italy.
Sandra hired Masters
for 11 years for 55 workshops
revealing tips, tricks and shortcuts.
so you don't have to spend years
traveling to all 55 workshops to study with the Masters.
Spent 33 years interviewing top Masters as a magazine columnist
Sandra's Apprentices invest $25,000
in her Private Invitation Only Atelier
Apprentice, Carol has earned
thousands of dollars in commissions
Apprentice JoAnn Ray
spills memories into art to leave a legacy
Nita started with stick figures at age 70
Let's go from Frustrated to FANTASTIC