Take your colors from Muddy to Masterful!

Color Theory Apprenticeship

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Discover Masters' Color Formulas for

Jaw-Dropping Realism...

Move from Confusion to Color Confidence

Banish Chronic Color Mistakes

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Here's what's included in your Private Apprenticeship with a World Renowned Color Expert:

ONE: Take the frustrating Guesswork out of color - Discover 6 Color Theory Families handy Color Theory reference charts that help you pick the perfect pencils, paper and palette every time.

Finally you’ll have a system for color choices.

TWO: -5 Months of Coaching with a Renowned Color Master

Weekly Coaching - Banish frustrating chronic mistakes - Direct Access to the world's leading Color Theory & Colored Pencil Expert - Questions, Critiques, Demos

New Color Family Every Month - so you'll get to explore all SIX of the color formulas Masters use to create JAW-DROPPING REALISM.


WorkAlong Projects - Applying what you're discovering in workalong workshops with the Master. These workshops allow you to set aside time to disappear into the serenity zone and move from confustion to color confidence as you apply the theories you discovered.


All coaching is recorded. - Need to miss a session? No worries~


Accountability gives you permission to prioritize your art making practice.


Critiques, Connection, Community - Members only Community - a place to build relationships, get questions answered and share your journey with likeminded people


Take your art to a whole new level in a One-One LIVE Coaching in the Master's Studio - Gift Pass to 3 Day LIVE EVENT - May 27, 2022 - Details will be explained during your interview.

Dates: March 1- May 27, 2022

No more Guesswork - Simple System Gives You the Right Colors Every Time!



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